Taos Recycling

UPDATE: The Taos Recycling Center is closed as of Friday, September 10th, 2021.

Recycling Alternatives:

Conscious Taos - Curbside Recycling Service
(They recycle plastic, all the glossy paper/cardboard products, phonebooks, etc., but still no glass)

The Recycle Ranger offers Recycle pick-ups from your business or home. Call him at 575-770-7917

Rumor has it that the Earthship people out at Greater World will take glass for free, but you should probably call and confirm before you drive a truckload out there!
Earthship Biotecture - 575-613-4409

Plastic-Free Taos - For $5/month you can drop off plastic at their locations in downtown Taos and Questa.

Wondering what hours the Taos Recycling Center is open and what they recycle?
Almost never and practically nothing, respectively.


Wednesday and Thursday, from 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM


201 Bertha Road
Taos, NM


What they recycle

What they don't recycle